Monday, October 20, 2008

15 Minutes : Know It : Tricky Treats

photo from

You just know your kid and every other kid in your neighorhood is going to get plenty of candy. If you're like me, you like to throw in the healthy treats as often as possible. Call me a Halloween humbug, but I still think kids like snack foods or other prizes as much as the candy bars. So, here is a list of non-candy items that either I have given to trick-or-treaters, or I have appreciated seeing in my kids' bags:

Fruit leather

Bagged chips (hey, Fritos are sort of healthy!)

Mini bags of microwaveble popcorn

Glow-in-the-dark bracelets

Bagged nuts or trail mix

Nickels or dimes

Small sheet of stickers

Plastic spider rings

Halloween pencils

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