Wednesday, November 25, 2009

15 Minutes : Read It : This is the Feast

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We bought This is the Feast as our Thanksgiving book this year. With a rhythm reminiscent of The House that Jack Built, this beautiful picture book tells the pilgrim story with excellent detail and imagery-filled language.

Available at Barnes & Noble and Amazon.


The Ashtons said...

I'll have to look at that one - the cover is great and really, how many good Thanksgiving books are there? Thanks, Cissy.

Jen Jensen said...

Hi Cissy. I wanted to check this out at the library, but it is out right now. Do you own it? I am the mystery reader in my twins' classroom tomorrow and wanted to read this book. I don't know how often you check this, but do you think I could borrow it? I know where you live, so I could pick it up later, if you were okay with it of course. I would return it most likely on Saturday. Let me know!