Wednesday, September 8, 2010

15 Minutes : Read It : Nonsense Books

Sometimes we just need some of those books that are so ridiculous and silly that my kids actually hoot out loud when we're reading them. I know any mention of underwear sends even my three-year-old into giggles, but I try to steer clear of those. (There's plenty of that without bringing it home from the library too--*sigh*) Here are a few of our favorite (non-potty-humor) nonsensical picture books...

The Runaway Dinner, by Allan Ahlberg. I love the rambling, conversational style of this one. It's told just the way a kid would tell a story.

The Monster at the End of this Book, by Jon Stone. This oldie from my childhood continues to pack a good, silly punch.

The Cow Loves Cookies, by Karma Wilson. The expressions on the characters' faces make me smile too.

Silly Sally, by Audrey Wood. Sing-song, predictable words make this one stick in their heads for days.
images via

What books guarantee a laugh from your kids?

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